Many people have heard the term “Multiple Streams Of Income” but they suffer from only living with one stream – the job. To enter into multiple streams you must be willing to work extra hard for awhile, go back to school to learn how to make money in different ways other than a job, and you must be willing to save money so you can invest when you see a “multiple stream” opportunity appear.
Market trading can be one of your multiple streams. But it can be a very dangerous idea if you don’t get professional training from a qualified mentor. That mentor needs to be successful in educating your emotional psyche as well as educating you in a proven technical system that works. (Blog on Emotions & Trading HERE).
I have been training students for over 17 years and actively trading for over 20 years. I learned through a very expensive multi staged mentoring program that taught me purely technical, rhythm of God trading strategies. From there, I developed my own specific trades after spending 6 hours per day in front of a day trading computer for years. The strategies I use simply work. I also learned the powers of “market addictive behaviors” by having to deal with my own addictions. My mentor saw that I traded because I loved the thrill of being in the markets, but not for making a profit. Therefore I would enter trades that I had no business being in. That’s called gambling. He would always tell me, “Daniel, when you can finally trade to make money instead of trading because you love to trade, you will be an excellent trader.” That was true advice. I learned addictive behaviors and how to identify them, cancel them and bring them under control so a person’s trading doesn’t suffer from gambling level addictions. This education is very valuable to traders new and old.
From time to time, I open up my one year trading class window to new students. Check back from time to time to see if that window will be opening. Normally it opens only a few days as the class fills up quickly. Why? Because the one year course will change the lives of those who join in more ways than one. Check out the student recommendations HERE to get a glimpse of what my students have to say. Imagine you saying the same thing after only months of training live online and taking pre-recorded class instruction that changes the way you think and trade.
Stay safe out there. Spend your money on education before you ever step into the shark infested waters of the stock market or any other tradable markets.
For my free trading classes, click HERE.
If you are ready to take the collegiate level challenge to become a technical Master Trader, click HERE to join me in the training room.
If you would like to try my “Predator Trader” education to give technical trading a try, click HERE to join. You will love becoming the shark rather than the seal.
Check out my article titled, “Why Technical Trading & Fundamental Trading Don’t Mix” HERE.
Check out my article titled, “Why Market Trading Taxes Your Emotions” HERE.
Disclosure/Disclaimer: Remember that Dr. Daniel Daves is not a licensed investment adviser, and everything that he posts is for educational purposes only. There is no intend to convince you to buy or sell anything in any market. Our full disclosure is located HERE.