Doctor Daniel Daves

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Spend 5 personal “live” hours with Dr. Daniel as he reveals who you really are from the point of view of the 4th dimension.  This is a one time FREE oppportunity for personal life transformation with the COMPASS GUIDE challenge.  Dates are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, May, 15, 16, 17, at 7pm CST (around one hour per night), and then culminating on Sunday afternoon for 2 hours, 3-5 PM CST.  The end of the webinar will be life transforming and impacting. You will experience the “BOOM!”. Our goal is to 10x your life in the next 12 months! Watch what happens after this webinar!  We have tons of testimonials and lives transformed over the past 13 years.

CLICK HERE to register for free.

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Who Is Dr. Daniel Daves?

Dr. Daniel Daves is an author, conference speaker, innovator, mentor, and business advisor. He is particularly versed in non profit programs, business acquisition & expansion and creative design.

Dr. Daniel has authored various books and training materials including a purely technical stock market trading system which utilizes the rhythm and cycles of God in all markets.

One of his favorite projects is the “COMPASS GUIDE” one year, core life training system for success. This book/video/seminar utilizes thirteen hidden secrets of ancient kings to help a person to find a divinely directed purpose for life.

His most recent books are “Global Food Revolution” and “Food Is Power” which communicate to global leaders why revolutionary thinking must be applied to crumbling and failing global food supplies.

Dr. Daniel’s ultimate passion is widows and orphans in distress, and being a voice to little ones who have no voice. He currently oversees a prototype greenhouse and dehydration center in Panama. He works to eradicate hunger and poverty wherever possible.

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