I am a firm believer that the publicly traded markets are directed and run by giants, predators, sharks, hyenas and hungry meat eaters. If you don’t know this, then you are the seal, the bait, the hunted, and the prey. But if we will learn the predatorial ways of these entities, we can learn many lessons from the market giants that run the show.

I have Studied a little about giants, including those nephilum giants from the Bible book of Genesis, Goliath, 17 foot tall Og and more. These guys were brutal killers. They usually had one thing in mind. Domination, destruction and hunger for their next meal. It seems that we have the same giants roaming in the markets today, and you can see their destructive behaviors all the time in market movements. They love to eat prey of many kinds. The normal prey is that little investor who steps out into the trading domain with the idea that he/she is going to make some sustainable money. Nothing could be further from the truth, though you will still be invited out for a swim (by sharks) or invited over for dinner (by wolves). I giant though, will simply hunt you down and eat you due to his sheer strength and speed.

FYI, I am called the “Giant Tracker” and I know where they are. I track them, find them and then move with them as they blaze a trail through the market, moving wherever they want to go. This is where I’ve found my market trading success. I also train a small group of students each year to learn the same tracking skills. It’s life changing when you finally become the hunter, rather than the hunted. Learn about “Giant Tracking” by clicking on the menu above under “MASTER TRADER MENTORING“.

We just had a giant take down in the crypto world 5/22. While many cryptos suffered a crushing blow, LUNA holders were destroyed by the giant 100% move downward. LUNA was as high as $119 before being destroyed to $0. Many lost fortunes. Many bought into LUNA as it fell. It was a horrible, crushing loss for so many and I feel terrible for them today. Many talked of suicide on social media after losing everything. FE – FI – FO – FUM. I SMELL A GIANT!

Did We Learn Anything From This TakeDown?
Those who have lost it all, are frantically trying to stir up faith, hope and a story of how LUNA will rebound, recover and make everyone a billionaire. So many are buying it now for 1 penny, 3 for a penny, hoping for some kind of salvation. In my opinion, what you are seeing is a squashed animal reflex jerking after the giant just stomped it. Even a dead snake slithers. A chicken with no head still runs. And a cat, if you drop if from a $100 rooftop, when it hits $0 will bounce a few pennies. One social media person said, “Believing in LUNA now is like buying the scrap metal and hoping for a profit after a horrible auto crash.” I agree. The best thing we can do now is learn from this nightmare scenario so it NEVER happens to us again in our future.
I used to get killed by these giants and predators. This is when I started hunting, tracking and sniffing them out. I learned to protect myself from them, and eventually to go the same direction they were headed. But it wasn’t easy. I had to totally change my mind in every area of market trading. I finally learned lessons needed from these market giants who were stripping me bare and eating my trading accounts.
The giants who run the show ARE the 10% who make money. The other 90% are not sustainable and get crushed by these giants at the end of the day because they don’t think like, nor do they move like the giants.
10% and 90%. It makes sense that a shark is usually 10x the size of their prey. A giant can be 10x the size of their prey too. The 10% run and eat the 90%.
Knowing this makes me want to learn the ways of the 10%. I hate being stomped on, chased, taken advantage of, eaten and maimed by these massive monsters.
What if I could show you who has the ball and who has the most likely chance of scoring next? And what if I could prove that with team statistics? Would you be more comfortable putting your money on the team most likely to advance and score? Of course you would.
Here’s a free lesson that many people hear about, but they don’t actually follow the wisdom in this statement.

Here are a few of my thoughts to help you overcome the predators and giants.
#1. Don’t be just a buyer. Buyer only killed the LUNA investors. They had no plan to escape the crushing blow of the giant foot. They kept buying all the way down into the dust. Learn how to know when you’re wrong and sell to get out of the way.
#2. Learn how to short the market so you can make money when the market turns red. All markets turn red at some point, and that red comes to take your profits. Learn the powers of shorting the market of your interest so you can be betting on “Team Red” when it takes over and starts heading down.
#3. Learn how to get your emotions out of trading. Buy and sell because there’s an opportunity, but not because you’re in love with your instrument being traded. Predators are cold blooded killers. They roll their eyes back and attack. They could care less what the history of that little seal is. They’re just attacking out of the technical understanding that this is their next meal (of many to come).
#4. Get far away from fundamental ideologies. The LUNA people were so convinced that this crypto was a winner that they stayed on the falling plane all the way to impact. Something is wrong with that. If fundamental ideologies crushed you once, they will do it again! Run for your life. Develop a technical trading program that will protect you first, and put you on the right direction of the market second. I hate fundamentals and I could never sleep at night if I told a person to trust their fundamentals. Case in point. How many people have told you that Bitcoin is worth $1 milion? Well, I was buying it for $3,500 while it was fundamentally $1 Million. And I couldn’t find anyone to actually buy it from me for $1 million. Therefore, the fundamentalists were wrong, out of season, and greatly misinformed. But we technical boys and girls were buying BTC up cheap because we had a system in place called PRICE ACTION that told us exactly what it was worth, and what it would be worth in the future – with high probability.
If you have been taken to the wood shed by a giant or predator attack, it’s time to learn from this incident so it NEVER happens to you again. I’d be glad to discuss this further with you if you have deeper questions. Come join us in the trading/training room for 78% – 90% sustained accuracy in determining true market direction with protections against destruction. God bless you!